Sunday, October 3, 2010

Teenage Sexual Exploitation (Prostitution)

Although exact numbers are not clear, it is estimated that there are more than 300,000 teenagers in the United States who are being exploited through prostitution. Many believe these numbers are much higher. The average age at which a girl enters prostitution is 14 years old – this age appears to be dropping and there have been reports of girls as young as age 6 being exploited through prostitution. There is not one single factor which makes a teenage girl vulnerable to be recruited into the life of prostitution, however, there are certain factors which are believed to increase one’s risk. These include: coming from a broken home, a history of abuse, having a mother who is promiscuous, poor relationship with parents, truancy and a history of running away which is the biggest factor which can lead to one becoming sexually exploited. Two thirds of girls who run away are exploited by prostitution and girls who run away are likely to be approached by a pimp within forty eight hours of being on the run.

The best way to help young girls at risk is through education and prevention.  Parents should talk to their girls about what to do if someone approaches them and tries to befriend them through gifts and excessive compliments.  Parents should also notice if their daughter seems to be bringing home a lot of new clothes, gifts or jewelry.  Don’t ignore this – be persistent in finding out where the items are coming from.  Finally, if you have a daughter who is running away, she is at the most risk.  It is important to talk to her if you are able and if not, to find someone who can. 

In short, low self esteem combined with a lack of guidance and support from adults makes girls vulnerable to being recruited into the life of prostitution.
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